2012 Fiat 500

01 2012 fiat 500 fd opt 450x298  2012 Fiat 500

Five minutes behind the wheel sometimes tells you everything you need to know about a vehicle. Of course, you figure out more as the miles pile up, but the gained nuances usually support – not refute – that first impression.

Our first five minutes behind the wheel of the 2012 Fiat 500 shouted that it was solid, substantial and sporty. The rest of the day simply demonstrated the amplitude of these characteristics, and whether the exceptionally-popular-in-Europe 500 might actually catch on with American drivers.

We think it will.

07 2012 fiat 500 fd 150x150  2012 Fiat 50008 2012 fiat 500 fd 150x150  2012 Fiat 50006 2012 fiat 500 fd 150x150  2012 Fiat 500

03 2012 fiat 500 fd 150x150  2012 Fiat 50005 2012 fiat 500 fd 150x150  2012 Fiat 50004 2012 fiat 500 fd 150x150  2012 Fiat 500

02 2012 fiat 500 fd 150x150  2012 Fiat 50001 2012 fiat 500 fd opt 150x150  2012 Fiat 500
